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Headshot photo of A.R. TaylorA. R. Taylors’ debut novel, Sex, Rain, and Cold Fusion won a Gold Medal for Best Regional Fiction at the Independent Publisher Book Awards 2015, and Kirkus Reviews named it one of the 12 Most Cinematic Indie Books of 2014. Her non-fiction work, Male Authors and Their Female Voices: Literary Masquerades, was shortlisted for the Henry Murray Award at Harvard.

Taylor’s new novel, Jenna Takes The Fall is out as of September 2020. 

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Taylor has published in the Los Angeles Times, the Southwest Review, Pedantic Monthly, The Cynic online magazine, the Berkeley Insider, So It Goes––the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library Magazine on Humor, Red Rock Review, and Rosebud, among others. L.A.’s New Short Fiction series and the Annenberg Center have featured her stories and humor pieces, and after winning a Writers Foundation of America award in Comedy for her play Up The Nile, Taylor appeared at the Gotham Comedy Club in New York and Tongue & Groove in Hollywood. In addition, she was head writer on two Emmy winning series for public television.

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